Monday, January 6, 2020

10 Winter Picture Books to Read Aloud

Can you believe it's already January???  And 2020???  What?!?!

Here in Texas, January isn't really all that cold.  Today is only slightly warmer than usual, and I had to have an actual discussion with my son about whether or not he could wear shorts.  We definitely don't see many snow days, so we have to squeeze in our winter fun in other ways.  And of course, my favorite way is through books!  Check out this list of some of our favorite picture books to read in the winter!

Missing the snow days where you live?  Try one of these picture book read alouds... perfect for a cold winter day!

How many furry little creatures can you fit into one tiny mitten?

Tacky is an odd bird.  And we certainly love him for it!

This is a classic that belongs on every early childhood book list!

We love everything by Lois Ehlert!  The unique artistry is simply delightful!

This story is just simply delightful.  So cozy and a perfect book to read while snuggled up under a blanket!

Sometimes it is just so HARD to wait!  But there are definitely things that are worth the wait!

The repetitive, familiar text is excellent for your little pre-readers.  And you get to build a snowman!

After my youngest was born, Little Owl became one of our favorite characters.  I was thrilled to see a winter version on the shelves at our library!

What happens when Sneezy gets cold?  And then what happens when he gets too warm?  Just build him again and make him brand new!

That silly old lady... how does she swallow so many crazy things???

What are some of your favorite winter books?  Is one of your favorites on this list?

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